About Me

Steph Sept 2020

Oh hey! I’m Steph, and I love all things food and beer. 

I’m from the Chicago suburbs, and have had Floridian status since 2013. My husband Kyle and I live just north of Tampa in a growing area called Wesley Chapel. I am a self-taught home cook, working magic in the kitchen pretty much ever since I moved to Florida! Living on my own, and soon after meeting Kyle, forced me to start getting myself in the kitchen more, and it turns out – this cooking thing was kind of fun!

Kyle and I also started brewing beer at home in 2017. The running joke is we went into a brew shop looking for a $0.50 growler cap, and walked out with $150 worth of brewing equipment! #noshame

My goal is to share with you all some of my favorite recipes, successful homebrews we’ve done, and even some recipes that incorporate homebrew!